About Lagan &Derelict
If you’re looking for fantastic upbeat live music, you’ve come to the right place. We love performing, and it comes through in every note we sing, and every note we play.

It was about 20 years ago when this all started.
We were in a band together and played weekly at a local dive bar. The place stunk of stale beer, and they served these awful greasy hot dogs & hamburgers on the night we played. The music was pretty bad and the food was worse.

So we decided to go off and do our own thing.
Two musicians with a passion for perfection playing all kinds of musical styles.

Our specialty is East Coast music.
We prefer to think of every day as St. Patrick’s Day. But we also love playing modern music too. We keep busy by being able to play everything both new and old alike.

If you’re having a party and looking for some live music, give us a call.
We’ve got you covered. If there’s specific tunes you want, send us your set list. We can help you bring your event to the next level of awesome!! There’s never been a better time to party. And if you celebrate everything, you’ll always have a party to go to!!

Lagan & Derelict
Partying in self-isolation style
Yes indeed. We went digital for St. Patrick's Day, 2020. With Covid-19's self-isolating and social distancing requirements, St. Patrick's Days gigs for all musicians – including ours – were cancelled. However, St. Patrick's Day wasn't cancelled so we took to Facebook and partied with our fans.
Bugles, a snacking requirement, were delivered during the show by a local business, and fans posted photos of their living room party with us on the screen.
Perhaps you would like to have us do an online party for your next house party, too? Give us a call!